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About Our Company
The "new normal" demands that knowledge workers and customer support staff have "remote" access to critical business back-up away from the traditional office environment (24X7)
Data Repro Com Ltd. specializes in helping organizations meet their service, efficiency & compliance goals enabling them to focus on their core business, by providing compliant Digitization & Digital Transformation solutions including:
- Out-sourced Document Scanning & Hosted Document Management Services
- Scanning, Storage & Active File Management Services
- Data Capture Services
- Microfilm-to-Digital Scanning & Migration Solutions
- Industry leading Document Scanners and Software
Since inception in 1969, DRC has evolved into Canada's leading solutions provider for multi-format digital, microfilm and electronic document conversion and management.
DRC offers highly scaled document digitization services from legacy paper and microfilm records for fast on-line access to critical documents, reducing risk while saving time and money.
We help business in all sectors and all levels of government put focus back into their core business and services by removing reliance on traditional paper and microfilm records, integrating digital documents into today's modern business processes and systems.
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Trusted & reliable
DRC has partnered with industry leaders within the document and records management inustry focused on high quality document digitization, management and preservation.